Discover the Ideal Times to Pressure Wash Your Cincinnati House

House Washing Cincinnati OH

Why Pressure Washing Is Essential for Your Cincinnati Home

Living in Cincinnati means putting up with hot, humid summers and freezing winters. The high levels of pollution don’t help. The combination wreaks havoc on your home, making it more vulnerable to mold, algae, mildew, and unsightly stains.

In this post, the team from Cincinnati Premier Pressure Washing discusses the ideal times to pressure wash your house. Regular cleaning protects your home’s value, improves its curb appeal, and prevents damage.

Understanding the Cincinnati Climate

Our climate here is unique. We have muggy weather in summer with a lot of rain. We have freezing temperatures in winter with a fair amount of snow. The combination means that your home faces an onslaught, no matter what season it is.

As things warm up in spring, any spores left over from winter start to bloom. Any de-icing chemicals left over from winter start to degrade the surface.  

The humidity in summer makes it easy for mold, algae, and mildew to take over. The rain deposits lots of grime and leaves a muddy mess.

In the fall, we need to remove pollen. We also have to remove the leftover leaves after the trees shed them.

It’s not ideal to pressure wash your home in the winter because the low temperatures make the pressure washer less effective.

Recommended Frequency for Pressure Washing in Cincinnati

Now, let’s look at the ideal times to pressure wash.

You’ll need to clean the exterior of your home in the spring to remove spores deposited in the winter. You’ll want to time it right to miss the rainy season and kill any organic growth. You might also wash a house in the fall to remove pollen and other allergens.

Take guidance from your primary need when it comes to choosing the best time of year to pressure wash. If you’re unsure of that, you’re welcome to give us a call, and we’ll advise you.

What’s more important than getting the right time to pressure wash is to do so regularly. You should never go more than a year without cleaning your home.

Signs It’s Time to Pressure Wash Your House

How do you know it’s time to give us a call? The ideal times to pressure wash your house are before the dirt and organic growth get out of hand. Call us if you notice the following:

  • Black streaks on your roof could indicate algae
  • Dark marks on the roof could be signs of mold
  • Discolored siding is a sure sign you need to clean
  • Any signs of visible mold or algae growth mean you need to call us

We offer an affordable maintenance service. Speak to us about scheduling a regular cleaning to keep your home in the best possible shape. We’ll not only clean but look for signs of damage that are easy to miss.

By keeping up-to-date with cleaning, you can offset expensive repairs later. Your exterior surfaces will last longer and look better while so. This means that you have to spend less time and money on maintenance.

Choosing a Professional Pressure Washing Service

Some people think they can save money by hiring or buying a pressure cleaner and doing the job themselves. In theory, there’s nothing wrong with this idea if you have the expertise and experience to use these powerful tools.

Contrary to what the advertising says, it’s more complex than a point-and-shoot procedure. You need to use the right technique and spray pattern, or you risk damaging the surface you’re cleaning. Setting the pressure a smidge too high can result in structural damage to roofing, for example.

Worse yet, if you inadvertently spray into a corner, the blowback could hit you full force. This can land you in the hospital with lacerations, broken bones, and internal bleeding.

It’s much better to hire a reputable pressure washing service in Cincinnati. Put your efforts into a more fun project, and let us do the heavy lifting.

What to Look for in a Professional Team

Unfortunately, there are some reckless operators in this industry. We recommend working with a company with an established track record. Always confirm that the firm has current licensing and insurance. 

Check the website carefully to see before and after pictures of their work. If they’re professionals, they should have a gallery full of photos. You should also read through the reviews on the website to see what clients say about the company.

But don’t stop there. Head over to an independent third-party website, like Google Reviews or Yelp. See what customers on those sites have to say because a business will always cherry-pick the best testimonials for their site.

Take notes on how they treat you when you’re still inquiring about services. During this honeymoon phase, they will treat you the best they ever will. If you’re getting cold feet at this stage, move on to the next candidate.

Finally, get a few quotes and compare the prices. Candidates coming in much lower than the others are liable to cut corners or pad their bills later. Most companies in this industry have similar overheads in Cincinnati, so the costs should be similar.

Why Choose Cincinnati Premier Pressure Washing? 

Would you like a shortcut? Hire our team to see how contractors should treat you. We offer a comprehensive range of pressure washing services in Cincinnati and the surrounding areas.

As locals, we understand the challenges you face because we face them ourselves. We’re experienced and have the expertise to deal with any exterior cleaning task you have. 

Our team members undergo regular training to stay current with the latest techniques. We supply them with the latest technology and the best quality cleaning agents. We use biodegradable detergents to protect you and the planet.

Contact Us Today for Your Pressure Washing Needs

Does your home look a little dull and dreary? Call Cincinnati Premier Pressure Washing at 513-827-1079 to discuss the ideal times to pressure wash or schedule a service.

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